Thursday, November 14, 2019

Vision Union Reunion

Vision Union Reunion

I see the future
of us together again
seeing the future
of us not in pain
I see a vision
where we make a decision
life or death?
where it is for the future to begin

counter break time
reunite us
fowlers play time
can't you see

you can live in a vision union reunion
you can feel free in a vision union reunion
an imagination of a vision union reunion
a vision union reunion

together, together as one
put us together
when everyone joins our USA flag
and we live without another plague
pull us together away from the other
as peace as we know
which now shall go
I see a dream
to unite us as it would seem
I can see the future where everyone will want to be like us
that’s where it lies
in a world of freedom and no one dies

counter break time
reunite us
fowlers play time
can't you see
you can live in a vision union reunion
you can feel free in a vision union reunion
an imagination of a vision union reunion
a vision union reunion 

"Vision Union Reunion" 

Red and Blue Dragon Fantasy LLC. 
Ryan Keith Johnson 
Copy Right 2012 & 2019
All Rights Reserved. 

Property of "The Legacy Anthology" 
and "Red Dragon Fantasy; Song Lyrics and Poetry" 

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