Thursday, November 14, 2019

"An Angel's Whisper" , "The Culminate Amethyst" and "Red Dragon Fantasy: Song Lyrics and Poetry" synopsis.

 “An Angel’s Whisper” is a novella about a group of scientist, politicians and other groups, in a secluded area of Arizona, that open a portal in hopes to discover another world. What they find is that they opened a portal to what is described as Hell. After the portal is open, they realize that they made a mistake. Creatures emerge, resembling humanoids, from the portal and the leader who is ten feet tall with a muscular body and holding a scepter reveals himself as Satan. Satan offers the people who let him in jewels and gold of enormous proportions if they follow his commands, even if it means sacrificing their families. They agree and Satan commands his demons and fallen angels to take their place.

     In a small town in Wisconsin, near the river, a young man named Rya meets a woman who looks like his guardian angel Sarah. To make things even more serendipity, her name is Sara. They quickly become acquainted and go on a date. Rya is excited because she is sweet and a talented illustrator from New York. After Rya wakes up the next morning from his date last night he hears a big commotion in town, people screaming and gunfire from the police. When he goes outside, he is shocked to see demons and hellhounds attacking people on the streets, burning down and tipping over cars as well as knocking down signs. Rya grabs his laptop and backpack and attempts to escape from the town but is stopped by demons who are working with the dark army of elites called “the Ravens”. Rya watches the Ravens load people up in black vans buses before he hides in an alley behind a dumpster. The three demons follow him and attempt to grab him until they are stopped by Rya’s two guardian angels, Sarah and Sarrjel. After the demons are killed, they are visited by a man dressed in army gear and camouflage.

     He tells Rya his name is Joe, but when he sees the angels, he is apprehensive because they’re are beings that look like them as fallen angels. Without another word Joe takes Rya to his Jeep and the angel’s follow through the air. They avoid the demons and other creatures as well as the Ravens until they get to a secret hideout.

     There are 50 militias who are fully trained in survival and live off the land. There are also seven German shepherds that specially trained with hypnosis by a couple of men who speak to them in German to be counter intuitive to the militia’s orders and to protect at all costs. The militia greet Rya but are dis-trustful of the two angels that have come onto their camp. Even after the German shepherds have smelled them and accept them the men and women ex-communicate them. Sarah and Sarrjel try to convince them that they are real angels and that they are here to help.

     Many meetings occur and the angels are present, and they try to help by convincing them that the dark forces were set free from a place called ‘a Hole’. It was a prison created to keep the demons and fallen angels as well as their cruel leader Satan in darkness for all eternity. The militia continue with their plan to protect their perimeter and watch for the Ravens to show up, but nothing happens.
     Rya explains to Joe that he must go back to rescue Sara at her motel room. The angels tell Rya that they will go with him, but after Joe repeatedly tells him no, he reluctantly decides to go with them to ensure that they won’t be followed back to their secret place.

     After they get back with Sara with conflict from the Raven officers and elite soldiers who were looking through the motel for any hidden people trying to avoid capture. Once back to the camp, Sara asks Rya about her look alike twin Sarah, but there is nothing more to say and they pick up where they left off from their date.

     Joe holds a meeting to his militia that he received a message from a telegram that another militia group in Marshfield that they wanted to combine their forces and resources. The angels try to persuade Joe that they should come with them to the capital in Minnesota where there will be salvation for them. When Joe and the other militias ask specific questions, but the angels choose not to answer. Joe decides to leave it as a vote after constant criticism from the angels.

     Suddenly, the camp is attacked by demons and there is weapons fire from the militia. The German shepherds attack the invaders from the children in the motor homes. The guardian angels defend the militia and fight the demons. Sarrjel fights the leader of the demons and is led into the woods in an aggressive sword fight. Sarah is overpowered by two feet tall harpies that scratch her face to remove her eyes. The battle lasts for a while but when it is over the militia realize that nobody was severely hurt, except the angels. Sarrjel suffered from a stab wound and is near death when she is brought back to the camp. The doctor tries everything to save her but there is nothing he can do. Sarah heals from her wounds and lies next to her sister to give her comfort.

     The militia realize what had happened and trust the angels. They realize that the angels put their lives on the line to protect them and a group of the militia talk to each other about the angels and about the salvation that was promised. They hear singing in the woods and decide to see who it is. Joe is arguing with his second in command about letting the militia vote for their fate when they hear the singing as well. When they get to a clearing by the woods, they see it’s Sarah and her wings are spread out while she is glowing like a ghost. Animals of all shapes and size come to see her, and the militia realize that they have been blind this whole time with no belief in faith or God.                

The novella is an expansion from the 30-page short story An Angel’s Whisper that is on “The Legacy Anthology”.  The decision to expand on the short story began in 2016 when the writer decided he wanted to expand on other characters and create new ones as well as expand on the battle sequences with the demons and the militias. “An Angel’s Whisper” has its roots to “An Angel Visit”, “An Angel Visit II; The Act of Temptation” and “An Angel Visit III: Heaven”. It is also connected to “An Angel’s Voice”, which is a sequel to the earlier predecessors. 

The Culminate Amethyst is an 85-page novella about a peasant named Animus who is in love with Princess Aarilinus. Animus talks to his father about a declaration that the king made to retrieve a magical mask once worn by a giant named Furrengee. Animus’ Father, Adam, tells him that there is a history between him and the king. Adam gives Animus a map of the temple where the mask is hidden after he tried to convince him to forget about her. The novella talks about hidden themes of love between Animus and Aarilina as well as 
Aarilina‘s love for her father with a necklace that is given to her by King Owen who once gave it to her mother. The necklace known as the Culminate Amethyst, represents his love for the queen and is a symbol of Aarilina’s past and link to her mother as well as her undying love for Animus. The story revels ties with Adam and King Owen, with a curse that was proclaimed upon his daughter that she would die at the age of 17.

     Animus faces giant rats, spiders, snakes and a beast called ‘the Black Widow’ that guards the entrance to chamber of the mask. He risks his life for the princess and barely has any hope to continue his journey, but he knows that he must if he wants to marry Aarilina.

     The novella is a twelve anniversary to The King’s Retribution, published in 2007. The original story was handwritten in 1997 as a 20-page short story and from 2000 to 2004 was expanded to 150 pages. The, then, novel had outlines, notes and extra scenes that were not rendered, but the book was shortened to 65 pages to make the deadline, to publish in 2007.
     The editing started in 2011 to be put as a bonus story in The Legacy Anthology and was never intended to be published, but then Johnson changed his mind when he decided to publish it again with illustrations for 2019.       

Red Dragon Fantasy; Song Lyrics and Poetry
is a collection of song lyrics and poetry that were written from 1991 to 1995. In the summer of 1990, Johnson began experimenting with poetry and re-arranging words to rhyme. In 1991, his father suggested that he get into writing song lyrics. Johnson attempted in the summer and fall to write a song lyric, but it wasn’t easy. The first song lyric he wrote was “Heart of Hell” which as about his hardships of getting teased and bullied. All the song lyrics in the section reflected it. He divided up the song lyrics to specific orders called sub-sections. “Join or Die” was written specifically about the Revolutionary War. “Private Devastation” was a darker sub-section of song lyrics. Many of the song lyrics were stiff and written in phrases as well as poem driven. They relied heavily on emotion vs story. When he got to writing the sub-sections; “This Magical Place”, “Thunder Road Forever” and “Dazed Vision of Light and Fright” the song lyrics and poems became mixed from lighthearted, sad, goofy and angry. Each of the compositions became more poems than song lyrics, but in 1997 while at “Arts World” Johnson met with a guitarist and re-worked the song lyric “Does it Really Matter” and sang it in front of a live audience.

     In 2008, Johnson decided to start editing the song lyrics for the book. He realized that the compositions needed to be edited to match up to the writing style of the song lyrics of the “What I Think About You: Song Lyrics and Poetry”, which were superior than the earlier song lyrics. 
     In 2012, the song lyrics were edited and published in The Legacy Anthology.  In 2019, Red Dragon Fantasy; Song Lyrics and Poetry was published. Two versions of “Does it Really Matter” were published and two versions of “You’re the Secret” were also published. “Red Dragon Fantasy II; Song Lyrics and Poetry” is planned to be published, but there isn’t a date yet.   

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